Masterclass | The Fundamentals of Patient Engagement for Pharmaceutical Physicians

Start date: Thursday 16 March 2023
End date: Wednesday 29 March 2023

“Engagement is increasingly recognized as a decisive factor for health-related outcomes in people living with a medical issue. It is their experience that drives this engagement. Therefore, providers who seek to develop better solutions, including medicines, must gain a deeper understanding of the patient experience.”
Lode Dewulf [1]

This introductory level online course, running over two half-days, will incorporate a variety of activities and teachings to enable you to leave with an understanding of the basics of patient engagement, specifically tailored towards pharmaceutical physicians from all areas of pharmaceutical medicine.


Your hosts will be Dr Liz Clark MSc MB BS FFPM FCMI FInstLM, an independent pharmaceutical physician and former Vice President of Medical Affairs at Norgine, and Trishna Bharadia, BA(hons) MFPM(hon), a multi-award winning health advocate and patient engagement consultant.  Both Liz and Trishna contributed to the latest PMST curriculum update to incorporate patient involvement.

What you will learn

  • The history / context for the evolution of patient engagement
  • The value of patient engagement for all stakeholders
  • Good practice guidance and real-life examples
  • Headwinds and myths which commonly impede progress and how to tackle them
  • Finding your way through the maze of (mostly free) resources

Who should attend?

  • Anyone already working with or who has a desire to work with patients in their role as a pharmaceutical physician
  • Trainees who wish to explore patient-centred activities as featured in the new PMST curriculum
  • Whilst suitable for complete beginners, the course will also be valuable to those who already have some experience of patient engagement who would like to review and refresh their knowledge with experienced experts


This virtual event will take place on;

16 & 29 March

Price options:

FPM Members £480
PMST £425
Non-Members £545

**We are offering a £40 discount for those attending the ‘Embedding a Patient Centric Approach‘ event on 9 February. Select this option when you register if you are eligible.**

Book Now

Please see our booking terms and conditions and our privacy policy

CPD Credits

If you attend this course you can use it as CPD for your appraisal.

To do so you’ll need to provide:

  • evidence (certificate of attendance), and
  • reflection, specifically a couple of paragraphs on what you learnt, what effect it will have on your current practice and how it relates to Good Medical Practice.

Upload these into your portfolio and self-allocate your CPD points at 0.25 credits per 15 mins.

Approve for CPD



Meet your trainers

Trishna Bharadia
Trishna Bharadia

Ms Trishna Bharadia MFPM (Hon)

Trishna is a multi-award winning health advocate and patient engagement consultant, working with multiple stakeholders, including pharma, to embed the patient voice into medicines development and the healthcare journey. She’s a patron/ambassador for several health- and disability-related organisations, including MS Society and ADD International, the Patient Engagement Editor for the Drug Information Association’s Global Forum magazine, and a visiting lecturer on patient engagement at King’s College London university. Media work includes the BBC (television/radio), Sky News, New York Times, Huffington Post, Which?, Medscape, WebMD and various pharma industry publications. Awards include a Points of Light from 10 Downing Street for her work with patient communities and she is an Honorary Member of FPM.

Liz Clark
Dr Liz Clark

Dr Liz Clark FFPM

Following 27 years in retained roles in Pharma, predominantly in Medical Affairs, but also including Pharmacovigilance, Sales and Marketing, Liz now works as an independent consultant, with a portfolio of education, training and patient engagement work. She has been an appraiser since the introduction of revalidation in 2013, is a trained coach and also holds fellowships of the Chartered Institute of Management and Institute of Leadership and Management.

In November 2022 Liz was appointed one of FPM’s three Appraisal Leads – alongside Dr Mike Perkins and Dr Asad Khan – who support our c.80 active trained appraisers in facilitating valuable appraisals for our connected doctors.

Day One programme

Please note that this programme is subject to change at any time and is shared only as a guide.

Introductions: You will be asked to introduce yourselves and name two projects that you are working on. We’ll aim to highlight blind spots of how patient input might be relevant to your activities. (20 mins)

Paired discussion, coming together in plenary: If you were able to involve a patient (without any hassle) in your current projects, how might that make a difference or improve the activity? (40 mins)

Presented content: (20 mins)

  • The history of patient involvement from HIV activists to the present day.
  • Fundamental principles of patient engagement:
    • ‘Nothing about us without us’
    • With not for patients
    • Respectful partnership & collaboration
    • Co-creation
    • Spectrum of patients (triangle)

Wrap-up discussion on identifying the value of patient engagement to get buy-in of senior leadership.

15 minute break

Day Two programme

Welcome back. You will be asked to share with the group any useful resources that you have found since day one of the masterclass.

Presented Content:

  • The trainers will share any additional resources that have not been covered already
  • Social media
    • How can you champion patient engagement best practices?
    • How can you use digital channels to find patient collaborators?
  • Overview of remuneration of patients involved in your projects
  • Signposting of the ongoing discussions with respect to the ABPI Code

Individual reflection: What difficulties or frictions do you anticipate encountering that the trainers might be able to advise on?

Ten minute break

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The views, information, or opinions expressed during FPM events and training are those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine. We value inclusivity, equality and diversity, and work hard to promote these whenever possible in all of our activities. We welcome your comments and feedback:


[1] Patient Engagement by Pharma-Why and How? A Framework for Compliant Patient Engagement – PubMed (
