Enrol on to PMST

Stage 1: Application process

1.1. Things to consider

Before deciding to enrol on to the Pharmaceutical Medicine Specialty Training (PMST) programme, the pharmaceutical physician should consider the following questions:

  1. Do you know why you want to enrol on to the PMST programme?
  2. Do you have the time to commit to undertake the four-year specialty training programme?
  3. Do you work in the UK for a pharmaceutical organisation that is a GMC-approved training location?
  4. Will your employer support your training, give you the time to attend courses and sit the Diploma in Pharmaceutical Medicine examination, and provide you with the opportunities to complete the specialty and generic capabilities in practice (CiP) in-work or by attending external courses?

1.2. Eligibility criteria

The potential applicant must:

a) be GMC registered with a licence to practise
b) be working in pharmaceutical medicine in the UK with a UK-based pharmaceutical organisation that is a GMC-approved training location
c) have completed at least four years of  clinical training and/or experience
d) have met other criteria for pharmaceutical medicine
e) have a GMC-approved Educational Supervisor (ES) in pharmaceutical medicine.

The applicant can find out whether they are eligible to enrol on to the PMST programme before submitting an application by completing our CV template and returning it to FPM’s Specialty Training Manager.

Our Director of Specialty Training will review the CV and give a preliminary view on the applicant’s eligibility for PMST. The Director’s preliminary view is not a guarantee of enrolment on to the PMST programme. A formal decision will be made based on the completed application form and supporting documentary evidence.

1.3. Making the application

Complete the application forms listed below:

  • ‘Associate (Trainee) Membership and PMST Application Form’
  • ‘Certificate of Professional and Clinical Competencies for Pharmaceutical Medicine’
  • ‘Reliance on clinical research physician experience’ form (if applicable)

We advise applicants to read our guidance for PMST applicants before completing the application forms. Completed application forms and supporting documentary evidence must be returned by email to the Specialty Training Manager by one of the published submission deadlines (see stage two below).

Stage 2: Assessment process

2.1. General arrangements

Please note that PMST applications can be submitted via our website at any time.

If an applicant submits an incomplete application (this includes submitting an incomplete application form or not including supporting documentary evidence), then their application will be delayed in its review.

2.2. Application review outcomes

  • Approved without recommendations
  • Approved with recommendations
  • Approval postponed

2.3. Review of an application panel decision

An applicant is entitled to request the panel review its decision to postpone its approval to enrol the applicant on to the PMST programme. The request must be in writing and can include supporting documentary evidence. The written request must be sent to the panel chair within ten working days from the date the decision was sent to the applicant. The applicant must state the specific reason or reasons why the panel should review its decision.

The panel chair and as many of the original panel will meet as soon as is practicable to review its decision. The panel can meet remotely by video call. The panel may also invite the applicant to attend the meeting if it decides this is appropriate. The panel’s decision is final and there is no further appeal process.

PMST enrolment FAQs

No. You can work in pharmaceutical medicine without first completing the PMST programme. However, we strongly advise you to complete at least four years of clinical training/experience before you join the specialty in case you want to undertake PMST in the future.