FPM to introduce new PMST enrolment procedure

Posted on: Tuesday 26 January 2021
Author: FPM

FPM will be introducing a new procedure for enrolling pharmaceutical physicians on to the Pharmaceutical Medicine Specialty Training (PMST) programme.


From 1 April 2021, we will be holding PMST enrolment assessment days. Each assessment day will include two stages: a presentation stage and an interview stage.


The assessment days will be held four times a year except for 2021 when we will be holding three assessment days. The assessment days will be conducted on Zoom. PMST applicants must submit their completed ‘Associate (Trainee) Membership and Pharmaceutical Medicine Specialty Training Application Form’ and supporting documentary evidence to FPM by a specified submission date before they can be scheduled to attend an assessment day.


We will limit the number of applicants for each assessment day to six applicants. If we receive more than six applications before an assessment day, we will schedule applicants on a first-come-first-served basis and the other applicants will be scheduled to attend the next available assessment day. We will publish the application submission dates and the dates of this year’s assessment days on our website soon.


We will continue to process PMST applications that we receive by 31 March 2021 under the current procedure. Please contact FPM’s Specialty Training Manager if you have any questions about the new process.