FPM Journal Club with guest host Dr Faten Arouri
Thursday 18 March 2021
12:00 - 13:00
For this session of Journal Club we welcome spring, and our guest host Dr Faten Arouri.
Faten has chosen to review:
Clicks and mortar: Technology and the NHS estate
Lillie Wenzel and Harry Evans
May 2019
The Kings Fund
About your host
My name is Faten Arouri and I am currently working as a Medical Advisor in oncology covering melanoma and colorectal cancers. Prior to that, I had been a doctor for 12 years during which I worked across multiple medical specialities but always had a special interest in oncology. My last NHS job was a Clinical Research Fellowship in Gastrointestinal Cancers in London.
For my review, I chose to focus on a common topic to all trainees and highly topical under the current climate. The paper is Clicks and mortar: Technology and the NHS estate.

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Clicks and mortar: Technology and the NHS estate
Key messages
- Developments in technology are affecting the NHS estate in different ways. While some changes are already having a clear impact, for many others it will take years and significant scaling before the impact on physical space becomes clear. Together, these changes have the potential to deliver an estate that is better for patients and staff, smarter, and more integrated.
- Technology develops quickly, and changes are difficult to predict, while buildings can be around for many years. This means that providing flexibility within the estate, enabling it to adapt as technology develops, will be increasingly important.
- Changes in technology are likely to result in a different NHS estate, rather than a smaller one, with space being used for different purposes or configured in different ways. Technology may also provide opportunities for getting more value from the existing estate – for example, by supporting multi-purpose spaces.
- There are a number of challenges to getting the most out of technology and the estate. These include the availability of strategic and technical skills within the NHS in each of these areas, and being able to access the investment necessary, given pressure on capital budgets.
- Technology and the estate have too often operated in silos. To maximise their impact, the estate and technology should be brought together as part of wider plans for change – both within organisations and across local systems. This means developing an overarching vision and being clear about the role technology and the estate can play in delivering it.
- Sustainability and transformation partnerships (STPs) and integrated care systems (ICSs) can play an important role in planning technology and the estate across organisations. This includes collaborating with organisations beyond the NHS, such as local government and voluntary sector organisations, and taking advantage of the opportunities that come from working at scale.
- In addition to local leadership, there is a clear role for the national NHS bodies in supporting this work. In particular, the centre should support common data and technology standards (so that different systems can talk to each other) and facilitate the sharing of learning across the NHS.
- Engaging patients in the development of technology and the estate is critical to ensure that any changes meet their needs. It is important that engagement is as wide as possible to understand how different groups are affected. For example, engagement should consider whether the expansion of digital access to care will disproportionately impact some groups, and how to mitigate this risk.
- Successfully embedding changes in technology and the estate will also require the full engagement of staff. This means engaging staff in the design process to ensure that changes in systems and their working environment meet their needs.
About journal clubs
Journal clubs are educational settings where individuals meet regularly to critically evaluate articles in the medical and scientific literature.
They are a recognised way of keeping up to date with latest advancements in areas of interest.
If you attend this webinar you can use it as CPD for your appraisal. To do so you’ll need to provide:
- evidence (certificate of attendance), and
- reflection, specifically a couple of paragraphs on what you learnt, what effect it will have on your current practice and how it relates to Good Medical Practice.
Upload these into your portfolio and self-allocate your CPD points at 0.25 credits per 15 mins.
Host a Journal Club
There are many benefits of taking part, including the following:
- Increase your knowledge
- Reflect on your practice
- Share insights and ideas in a relaxed and supportive setting
- Encourage evidence-based medicine
- Keep abreast with new literature
- Stimulate debate, and improved understanding of current topics
- Develop your presentation skills
- Build your network
- Gain participatory CPD hours towards revalidation
If you would like to host a Journal Club, please email training@fpm.org.uk and let us know.
Queries: If you have any questions please email training@fpm.org.uk.
Joining instructions will be emailed to registered attendees periodically, and a reminder will be sent on the morning of the Journal Club (18 March 2021). Please check you junk folder!
The views, information, or opinions expressed during FPM events and training are those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine. We value inclusivity, equality and diversity, and work hard to promote these whenever possible in all of our activities. We welcome your comments or questions: events@fpm.org.uk