Session Spotlight – Cocktail hour and Fail-fest
Posted on: Wednesday 21 October 2020
Join FPM Chief Executive Marcia Philbin on Thursday 26 November 2020, 17:00 – 18:00
To hail or wail, that is the question!
Go on admit it! Who is afraid of owning up to failure? Why are we so afraid to admit when something has gone wrong? Well, in this confidential session, fear no more!
We are going to embrace our failures and with a drink of your choice in hand, own up to something that went wrong but most importantly, we will hail what we learned or wail at we should have learned but did not. Either way, by the end, I hope you will see that failure is not something to be feared but an opportunity to learn and grow.

FPM Annual Symposium 2020
- See the full programme and registration info