A Focus on Membership by Distinction
Posted on: Wednesday 8 February 2023
Membership by Distinction (MFPM(Dis)) is a route to FPM Membership for experienced pharmaceutical physicians who have made a significant contribution in the fields of research, teaching or the practice of pharmaceutical medicine.
Each year we invite Fellows of FPM to nominate new Members by Distinction. If you believe you meet the criteria, or know someone else who does, then read on.
What are the routes to becoming a Member (MFPM) of FPM?
There are two routes to becoming a Member of FPM, the qualification route and the Membership by Distinction route.
Qualification route to Membership (MFPM)
If you possess a medical qualification listed in the WHO Directory, have current registration with the GMC, or the relevant professional body in the country in which you practise, have at least two years’ experience in a pharmaceutical medical role, and hold one of qualifications accepted by FPM, then you can apply for Membership. See our Join FPM page for more information including a list of the qualifications accepted for MFPM.
Membership by Distinction route to Membership (MFPM(Dis))
Members by Distinction are doctors who have made a significant contribution in the fields of research, teaching or the practice of pharmaceutical medicine, they are often physicians who are experienced in pharmaceutical medicine and may have trained in another country, such as the USA. They have not had the opportunity to take FPM’s Diploma of Pharmaceutical Medicine, or equivalent, and so are unable to apply using the qualification route but are experienced in the discipline.
If you believe you meet the criteria, or know someone else who does, then you should consider putting yourself, or them, forward for Membership by Distinction. The nomination process is relatively simple, criteria and information on the nomination process is available on the Fellowship and Awards page and the deadline for nominations is 3 April 2023.
To me, becoming an FPM Member by Distinction reflected the true recognition from our peers of my 25 years’ experience and leadership in innovation in global pharmaceutical research and development as well as in medical science academia. The process was simple and straightforward and very much based on the support from two FPM Fellows, who engaged kindly with me. It was wonderful to be welcomed through a formal but celebratory ceremony into an organisation of truly like-minded people driven by the same principles of pushing forward the boundaries of pharmaceutical medicine for the health of many around the world.

Members by Distinction are nominated by an FPM Fellow (FFPM) and supported by a second Fellow, contact us if you are not sure you know any Fellows and we can help. The Fellow nominating submits a statement of support of how the nominee fulfils the relevant criteria and the individual being nominated provides a letter agreeing to be nominated and a copy of their CV, guidance is provided on the Membership by Distinction Nomination form.
Members by Distinction (MFPM(Dis)) have the same rights, privileges, and obligations as Members (MFPM) and pay the Membership subscription. Members by Distinction are entitled to use the post-nominals MFPM(Dis) and can ultimately apply for Ordinary Fellowship (FFPM) when eligible.
FPM believes we are stronger as a collaborative team with a diverse Membership of trained and experienced pharmaceutical physicians.