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Election of FPM President 2021
19 February 2021
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19 February 2021
Original announcement (January 2021)
It is time to start the process to elect FPM’s new President who will replace Professor Tim Higenbottam whose term ends in November 2021. Nominations are invited for the office of President of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine to serve a three-year term commencing in November 2021. Only Fellows of FPM (with the exception of Honorary Fellows) are eligible for nomination for election to this office.
The President serves a single three-year term of office and is not eligible for re-election at the end of this period. As FPM is a registered charity and company, this role carries Trustee and Company Director status. The Trustee Board is responsible for the governance of FPM as well as determining its future direction. Further information about the role is available below.
The person elected as President will be required to comply with FPM’s Code of Conduct for Trustees and the Declaration of Interests Policy. These policies are available below and potential candidates are asked to read these before their nomination form is submitted so that they are aware of the responsibilities.
Nominations should be made on the official forms. You are reminded that Fellows and Members, but not Affiliates, Associates, Honorary Fellows and Honorary Members are eligible to propose and second nominations, and to vote in any subsequent ballot. Please contact the FPM Office if you have any questions.
Completed nomination forms must be received by FPM no later than 17:00 on Friday 19 February 2021. The nomination forms are available below.
If a ballot is required, this will be conducted in early March so please ensure that your contact details are up to date.
Later in 2021 we will also elect a new Vice President and appoint other members of the FPM Board of Trustees. Please check our website for updates and contact the office if you have any questions.